Seguin Financial Group

Providing a wealth blueprint to build a secure future.


We, at Seguin Financial Group (SFG), built a team of professionals to deliver a higher standard of service to our clients which promotes longevity in our client's relationships.

Being a family run business with over 35 years of experience we have been able to provide client options and choices throughout all stages of their life.


  • It is vital to fully understand our clients' goals in order to provide direction and a solid financial blueprint.
  • By making sense of the financial blueprint in place, clients are in control and confident in achieving a fulfilled financial future.
  • It is critical to develop long term client relationships based on trust and transparency in order for our clients to succeed.

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The Seguin team is always looking out for our best interests. They are motivated in earning the...

Jim & Heather Scott

7150 Hawthorne Dr. Unit 104
Windsor, ON, N8T 3N3

Phone: (519) 974-6688
Toll Free: +1 866-973-4846
Fax: (519) 974-7192

The contents of this website do not constitute an offer or solicitation for residents in the United States or in any other jurisdiction where either Seguin Financial Group and/ or Sterling Mutuals is not registered or permitted to conduct business. Mutual funds provided through Sterling Mutuals Inc. Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Please read the prospectus carefully before investing. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values fluctuate frequently, and past performance may not be repeated.

Insurance products, and other related financial services are provided by Seguin Financial Group as independent insurance agents, and are not the business of, or monitored by Sterling Mutuals Inc.

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